Frequently Asked Questions
I have a dead tree on my lot, between the road and the sidewalk. What do I do?
Call the Ingham County Road Commission. The Commission provides free removal of any dead trees located by the roadside. A representative will first come to inspect the tree. After that the homeowner will be asked to fill out a request form and sign it so that the tree can be removed. Please note that the commission will not provide replacement trees.
The street light in front of my house is no longer operational. Who do I call?
The Consumers Energy at 1-800-477-5050.
I am going on vacation. How do I ensure that my home remains protected?
Crime rates (see Meridian police annual reports) are quite low in our neighborhood. Some simple precautions when you go on a vacation will ensure they remain that way. You can file a "Property Check Request" with the Meridian Township Police and they will send patrol cars regularly to monitor your house and your lot. Also remember to notify a trusted neighbor.
Can I ... build a deck? ... put up a fence? ... build an extension?
Please make sure to read the Declaration of Restrictions to see what type of activities may be restricted and may require a prior permission from the Homeowners' Association Board. In addition, check with the Meridian Township to see what permits you may be required to obtain before any home major project.
I am concerned about .... in our neighborhood. How do I go about voicing this concern?
The Banyon Park Homeowner's Association has an annual meeting, usually in the Fall. You can come to this meeting to share your concerns. If you would like your concern to be addressed in a more expedient or private manner, please read our Complaints Resolution Procedure document for the appropriate process.
Is there a way to communicate easily with my neighbors to ask a question, get recommendations, or announce an activity?
The Banyon Park Homeowners use Nextdoor as a private social network to communicate within the neighborhood. Residents can join the Nextdoor Banyon Park Private Community to post announcements, share news, ask questions, seek recommendations, or simply interact with your neighbors.